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EstoPasará, creative platform with design ideas in times of COVID-19
#EstoPasará (‘This too shall pass’), the creative platform
27 Jul 2020 /

#EstoPasará (‘This too shall pass’), the creative platform

#EstoPasará (‘This too shall pass’) was launched at the beginning of April by World Design Capital Valencia 2022. It is a digital and creative platform to collect, bring together and disseminate initiatives arising from design and other creative sectors to provide solutions, relief and support in times of COVID-19.

This open, global and creative platform has received more than 500 initiatives and projects of all kinds from Spain and abroad. From the design of facemasks, respirators or protection elements for domestic production with 3D printers, professional illustrators who raise awareness with their work from home, designers who apply their creativity to entertain children or resources and contents to learn about design at home. A collaborative project where each person has been able to add something, by submitting their contributions and ideas.

This creative platform has been produced and set up thanks to decentralised and remote work undertaken in collaboration by the digital agency Néctar, CuldeSac Experience, the graphic designer Ibán Ramón and the team of World Design Capital Valencia 2022.


Inma Bermúdez, Ramón Esteve, Ximo Roca, Borja García, Luis Calabuig, Juan Carlos Baumgartner, Xènia Viladás, Mayice, Boke Bazán, Javier La Casta, Nacho Lavernia, Vicent Martínez, Héctor Serrano, Pedro González, Sara de la Mora, Uqui Permui, Marisa Santamaría, Modesto Granados, Marcelo Alegre and Clara del Portillo are leading Spanish designers who share their reflections in a collaborative video piloted by World Design Capital Valencia 2022 on the role of their sector in the ‘new normal’.


20 figures from Spanish design join together to assert the sector’s role in the ‘new normal’

In the series of interviews, this cast of professionals opens up about how the COVID-19 crisis has affected them, how they believe that design can help resolve all the challenges facing society and what they ask of the public institutions. The videos are directed by the Design Capital communication team and produced and edited by Bocabadats Media, with graphics and images by the designer Ibán Ramón.
