La Nave was open 24 hours a day, there was always somebody working there and nocturnal activity was frequent, so, the night before they had to present the work, Bascuñán, Nebot and Lavernia put all their inventiveness into action and, under pressure, which is sometimes a good stimulus, they started to seek, analogically, information about the places they intended to feature on the signs.
Looking at the particular information for each territory, the dynamic was as follows: Lavernia looked up the towns in the encyclopaedia; Nebot scribbled a drawing, in broad outlines, that alluded to each place; and Bascuñán put the finishing touches by producing a tidy drawing of that first sketch. Afterwards, with the help of Belén Payá, who also participated in the hours prior to submission, they stuck coloured paper, by way of collage, onto that first design to give it colour. That night they did five or six. The first one was that of Benidorm.